PredictionsEndorse2014 Gubernatorial Election Polls - MN ResultsPolls
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Source: Public Policy Polling (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DMark Dayton*Democratic47%piePoll Date: 2014-06-15
RJeff JohnsonRepublican36%Number Polled: 633
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-16%Voter Type: Registered

  * = Incumbent

Gov. Dayton (D) ahead by at least 10

 By: Mark Warner 08 (I-AUT) on 2014-06-18 @ 02:54:17

If the candidates for Governor this fall were Democrat Mark Dayton and Republican Jeff Johnson, who would you vote for?
Mark Dayton ................................................... 47%
Jeff Johnson ................................................... 36%
Not sure .......................................................... 16%

The story in the Governor's race is similarly stable from the fall. Mark Dayton leads Kurt Zellers 47/37, Jeff Johnson and Marty Seifert 47/36, and Merill Anderson and Scott Honour 47/35. In October he led Zellers, Johnson, Seifert, and Honour all by 10-11 points as well. Dayton has a 48/41 approval rating now, nearly identical to his 48/42 spread from our previous survey.

About this Poll

June 12-15, 2014
Survey of 633 Minnesota voters

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