1992 Presidential Democratic Primary Election Results - Guam
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Caucus ResultDelegates
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 > 40%
 > 50%
 > 60%
 > 70%
Voter Turnout Graph
Vote Pie ChartDelegates Pie Chart
Maps1992 Guam County Map of Democratic Primary Election Results for President
Pop. (m)
Election Information:
Contest Type: Party-run Caucus/Convention
Caucus Date:1992-05-03
Eligible Participants: Closed (only members of the party)
Delegates Awarded in this Contest: 0
Delegates Total: 0
Delegate Allocation Method: Statewide Winner-take-all
Election Data and Statistics:
Election Tools
Data Sources:
  • Source for Popular Vote data:
  • Source for Population data: U.S. Census Bureau.
Results for and Individual :
  • (m)