1990 Gubernatorial General Election Results -
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Popular Vote
DemocraticDemocratic 26,938,883 49.86%
RepublicanRepublican 24,250,423 44.88%
State1State1 1,055,176 1.95%
IndependentIndependent 875,379 1.62%
LibertarianLibertarian 399,418 0.74%
State2State2 164,074 0.30%
American IndependentAmerican Independent 139,661 0.26%
AK IndependenceAK Independence 109,028 0.20%
State3State3 42,030 0.08%
Write-insWrite-ins 29,146 0.05%
Socialist WorkersSocialist Workers 23,707 0.04%
GreenGreen 6,563 0.01%
State Seal Map Key
 > 40%
 > 50%
 > 60%
 > 70%
Voter Turnout Graph
Vote Pie Chart
Demographic Data

1990 Population:248,765,170Enum.1990 Population Density:27.2persons/km2
1980 Population:226,542,204Enum.1980 Population Density:24.7persons/km2
Land Area (2000):9,161,889km2Annual Pop Growth Rate:0.9%

Election Data and Statistics:
  • City and Town Data (m)
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  • Data Sources:
    • Source for Popular Vote data:
    • Source for Population data: U.S. Census Bureau.