2018 Gubernatorial General Election - Vote for State1
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by State
Pary Map

Place State Total Votes Rank State1
1Illinois 4,559,563 3 192,527  4.22%
2Rhode Island 376,401 4 10,155  2.70%
3Minnesota 2,587,287 3 68,667  2.65%
4Nevada 971,799 3 18,865  1.94%
5Colorado 2,525,062 4 25,854  1.02%
6New York 6,104,477 5 55,441  0.91%
7Vermont 274,087 6 1,855  0.68%
8Kansas 1,054,622 5 6,576  0.62%
9Oregon 1,866,997 6 11,013  0.59%
10Iowa 1,327,638 4 7,463  0.56%
11Michigan 4,250,585 6 10,202  0.24%
12Florida 8,220,561 6 14,505  0.18%
13Tennessee 2,243,294 5 2,841  0.13%
14Wisconsin 2,673,308 6 2,745  0.10%
15Connecticut 1,406,803 5 1,254  0.09%
16Ohio 4,435,820 7 41  0.00%
17Georgia 3,939,409 6 21  0.00%
18Arizona 2,376,441 7 12  0.00%
19Alabama 1,719,589 0 0  0.00%
20Alaska 283,134 0 0  0.00%
21Arkansas 891,509 0 0  0.00%
22California 12,464,235 0 0  0.00%
23Hawaii 390,843 0 0  0.00%
24Idaho 605,131 0 0  0.00%
25Maine 630,667 0 0  0.00%
26Maryland 2,304,512 0 0  0.00%
27Massachusetts 2,674,615 0 0  0.00%
28Nebraska 697,981 0 0  0.00%
29New Hampshire 573,602 0 0  0.00%
30New Mexico 696,459 0 0  0.00%
31Oklahoma 1,186,385 0 0  0.00%
32Pennsylvania 5,012,555 0 0  0.00%
33South Carolina 1,707,569 0 0  0.00%
34South Dakota 339,214 0 0  0.00%
35Texas 8,343,443 0 0  0.00%
36Wyoming 203,238 0 0  0.00%
Total 91,918,835 6 430,037 0.47%

National Results for 2018


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