PredictionsEndorse2018 Senatorial Predictions - Ruby2014 (I-OH) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2018-10-08 Version:5

Prediction Map
Ruby2014 MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
Ruby2014 MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
17 |
35 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
17 |
35 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total

Predicted Senate Control (116th Congress):
Party Seats Up Seats Not Up Total Seats

No Analysis Entered

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 8

The reason I have Ohio and Wisconsin going to the GOP despite the polls is my belief that DeWine wins in Ohio and Walker wins in Winconsin. I expect most of the DeWine and Walker voters to vote Republican for Senate as well providing coatails for surprise wins. New polls in ohio showed Renacci down only 6 and 10 instead of previously being down by 15, 17, and as much as 18. And DeWine continues to have a strong chance of winning in Ohio. Scott Walker has a decent chance of winning in Wisconsin as well. In Pennsylvania and Michigan the governor's and Senate races will likely vote for the same party as well with Dems winning those races.

Version History

Member Comments
 By: man_of_honor885 (-PA) 2018-10-08 @ 15:31:56 prediction Map
No matter how much I would personally love to see Lou Barletta win in my state its not going to happen for the following reasons. To begin, Bob Casey is far too popular for Lou to beat. Second to that, is the fact of how out funded Lou Barletta is. Lastly, even though the polls aren't always 100% accurate, Lou Barletta is down by about 18% in the polls as compared to donald trump who was generally down by 4% in the state and won, my point being that 18% is well outside of the 6% margin of error. Also if states like wisconsin or Ohio are going Democratic then Indiana will as well. Its nothing personal but this is just unrealistic or Im not seeing something that you are in these races.

 By: Ruby2014 (I-OH) 2018-10-20 @ 13:53:47 prediction Map
John James went from being down by 18% to now being down by 9% which likely indicates that the Democratic senator may be struggling with working class voters. And if democrats are struggling there they may be struggling across the rust belt. And there are large numbers of undecideds. I saw a poll that had Lou ahead in northeast PA which is only a few hours from where I used to live for 13 years when I lived in South Williamsport PA. If yes doing well there I think that's a sign of something. I believe that the polls are also underpolling he blue collar vote as well even more this year and I'm making a bold prediction that will surprise alot of people.

User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2024 President /56 /56 /112 % pie 257
P 2023 Governor 2/3 2/3 4/6 66.7% pie 1 94 74T115
P 2020 President 47/56 43/56 90/112 80.4% pie 13 6 392T684
P 2020 Senate 29/35 25/35 54/70 77.1% pie 8 4 101T423
P 2020 Governor 11/11 5/11 16/22 72.7% pie 4 146 211T293
P 2019 Governor 2/3 2/3 4/6 66.7% pie 2 4 35T192
P 2018 Senate 30/35 18/35 48/70 68.6% pie 11 0 306T483
P 2018 Governor 30/36 20/36 50/72 69.4% pie 5 3 226T372
P 2016 President 50/56 34/56 84/112 75.0% pie 11 0 87T678
P 2016 Senate 31/34 19/34 50/68 73.5% pie 10 0 89T362
P 2016 Governor 9/12 5/12 14/24 58.3% pie 9 0 67T279
Aggregate Predictions 241/281 173/281 414/562 73.7% pie

Arizona1 California1 California1 California1 California1 Connecticut1 Connecticut1 Delaware1 Florida1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Hawaii1 Indiana1 Maine1 Maryland1 Maryland1 Maryland1 Massachusetts1 Michigan1 Michigan1 Minnesota1 Minnesota2 Mississippi1 Mississippi2 Missouri1 Montana1 Nebraska1 Nevada1 New Jersey1 New Mexico1 New York1 New York1 North Dakota1 Ohio1 Pennsylvania1 Rhode Island1 Tennessee1 Texas1 Utah1 Vermont1 Virginia1 Virginia1 Washington1 Washington1 Washington1 West Virginia1 Wisconsin1 Wisconsin1 Wyoming1

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