PredictionsEndorse2006 Senatorial Predictions - CultureKing (D-WA) ResultsPolls
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Date of Prediction: 2006-11-03 Version:9

Prediction Map
CultureKing MapPrediction Key

* = Pickup via defeat of incumbent; ^ = Pickup of an open seat

Confidence Map
CultureKing MapConfidence Key

Prediction States Won
25 |
33 |
50 |

Confidence States Won
25 |
33 |
50 |

State Pick-ups

Gain Loss Hold Net Gain
Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total Inc. Open Total

Predicted Senate Control (110th Congress):
Party Seats Up Seats Not Up Total Seats

Prediction Score (max Score = 66)

ScoreState WinsState Percentages


This will probably be my final prediction before the election, I might change tenneessee or Virginia, though Missouri has always been a tossup so I am keeping it the way it has always been.

Prediction History
Prediction Graph

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Version: 5

moved Florida to strong dem, and Virginia to Lean Republican

Version: 4

moved Arizona to lean republican from strong republican, the rave there seems to be heating up. In Ohio I wanted to but just couldn't change it from democrat to Republican as I am feeling that it will no more be a democrat win... but I still cant touch it, due to my strong hope that it will go with the Democrats in a big wave.

Version: 2

I havent really changed all that much on this map versus the last... but oh well, in reference to some of my decisions about really close contests:
Missouri: I just can't see this as going to the republicans, this is the state where a dead democrat beat a very alive John Ashcroft.
Rhode Island: In such a democratic leaning state, I believe that the dems will be able to easily gain ground here.
Minnesota: Same as Rhode Island, except here the dems are not quite as powerful.

Version: 1

With such a large lead in so many polls out today I believe that the dems have a good chance at winning in many states that at the moment have republicans edging out dems, also I think that momentum will keep the dems getting better in the polls barring some kind of large event that would change American's minds.

Version History

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User's Predictions

Prediction Score States Percent Total Accuracy Ver #D Rank#Pred
P 2009 Governor 1/2 1/2 2/4 50.0% pie 1 0 56T103
P 2008 President 52/56 47/56 99/112 88.4% pie 7 1 26T1,505
P 2008 Senate 32/33 21/33 53/66 80.3% pie 2 1 57T407
P 2008 Governor 11/11 9/11 20/22 90.9% pie 2 1 9T264
P 2008 Dem Primary 41/52 20/52 61/104 58.7% pie 20 - 38T271
P 2008 Rep Primary 41/49 23/49 64/98 65.3% pie 18 - 3T235
P 2007 Governor 3/3 2/3 5/6 83.3% pie 3 6 58T167
P 2006 U.S. Senate 33/33 27/33 60/66 90.9% pie 9 4 3T465
P 2006 Governor 35/36 20/36 55/72 76.4% pie 3 4 71T312
Aggregate Predictions 249/275 170/275 419/550 76.2% pie

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