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Source: Mason-Dixon (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DJohnson*Democratic57%piePoll Date: 2008-10-15
RDykstraRepublican34%Number Polled: 800
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-9%Voter Type: Likely

  * = Incumbent

Johnson coasting to reelection bid

 By: Olawakandi (D-TX) - 2008-10-23 @ 16:44:52


Poll Demographics
The result feeds into another poll statistic. In a question asking poll participants how they would vote if the election was held immediately, Johnson won 57 percent to 34 percent, with nine percent undecided.

About this Poll
But an Argus Leader Media / KELO-TV poll conducted statewide between Oct. 13-15 suggests Johnson’s health does not weigh on the minds of South Dakotans. In a poll question asking participants to rate Johnson’s job performance, 68 percent called it excellent or good, including 53 percent of Republicans surveyed.
The Argus Leader Media / KELO-TV poll, conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent. It sampled 800 voters, including 396 men and 404 women; 328 Democrats, 383 Republicans and 89 Independents. Two hundred voters in the Sioux Falls metro area are represented in the results, 230 voters in the southeast, 140 in the northeast, and 230 West River.

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