PredictionsEndorse2008 Senatorial Election Polls - NM ResultsPolls
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CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DUdallDemocratic53%piePoll Date: 2008-01-31
RPearce^Republican31%Number Polled: 409
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 5%
-Undecided-16%Voter Type: Likely

  ^ = Incumbent Party (Current Senator Retiring)

Tom Udall leads senate race

 By: Olawakandi (D-TX) - 2008-02-19 @ 11:20:19


Poll Demographics
In the race to replace Senator Pete Domenici, Rep. Tom Udall is well ahead of both Rep. Steve Pearce and Rep. Heather Wilson. Voters of all parties were asked to specify which candidate they would vote for if the race were between Udall and Pearce, and if the race were between Udall and Wilson. In both cases, Udall is significantly ahead.

Udall 53%
Pearce 31%
Undecided 16%

Udall 58%
Wilson 30%
Undecided 13%

About this Poll
Students in Government 300, Political Research Skills, conducted a telephone opinion survey of 409 New Mexicans to determine their preferences for President. Calls were made beginning on January 22 and completed on January 31. Twenty students participated in making the calls, most of which were completed in Breland Hall on the NMSU main campus. The questionnaire is appended.

Respondents were asked to express a preference for announced candidates in both the Republican and Democratic parties, regardless of respondents’ affiliation. That is, Democrats were asked to express a preference for both Republican and Democratic candidates, as were Republicans and other likely voters. In addition, respondents were asked to state whether they approved or disapproved of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, and to rate the job Bill Richardson is doing as governor on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best. Finally, respondents were asked to choose their preference between Democratic senate candidate Tom Udall on the one hand, and Republican candidates Steve Pearce or Heather Wilson on the other.

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