PredictionsMock2016 Presidential Democratic Primary - NH ResultsPolls
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Source: Emerson College (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
Poll Date: 2016-01-26
Number Polled: 350
Margin of Error: 5%
Voter Type: Likely

Sanders up by eight

 By: Ryne (R-WA) on 2016-01-27 @ 11:23:16


About this Poll
The ECPS poll was conducted from Monday, January 25 at 12 pm through Tuesday evening
January 26. The polling sample was a random selection of registered voters purchased through
Aristotle Inc. Likely primary voters were classified through a screening question. For noncompletes
with a working residential phone line, at least five callbacks were attempted. The
Democratic and GOP Presidential primaries consisted of 350 and 373 adult registered likely
primary voters in New Hampshire, with a margin of error of +/-5.2% and +/-5%, respectively, at
a 95 percent confidence level, a total of 737 was used for the additional statewide questions at +/-
3.6%. Data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response system and weighted based on
2012 General Election voting to reflect likely voter populations in New Hampshire. The full
methodology and results can be found at

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