PredictionsMock2012 Presidential Election Polls - MI ResultsPolls
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Source: Marketing Resource Group (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DObamaDemocratic49%piePoll Date: 2012-03-19
RRomneyRepublican43%Number Polled: 600
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-9%Voter Type: Likely

Obama Now Leads Romney by 6%

 By: Inks.LWC (R-MI) on 2012-03-28 @ 16:34:48

If the general election for U.S. President were being held today, and the candidates were
(ROTATE: Mitt Romney the Republican and Barack Obama the Democrat), for whom would
you vote? (IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED, ASK: Which way do you lean as of today,
toward Romney or Obama?)
3/2012 9/2011
Vote Romney ..................................................................38% 42%
Lean Romney ..................................................................5% 2%
Vote Obama ....................................................................45% 42%
Lean Obama ....................................................................4% 3%
Don’t know/Undecided ..................................................7% 10%
Refused............................................................................2% 1%
TOTAL ROMNEY.......................................................43% 44%
TOTAL OBAMA..........................................................49% 44%
Poll Demographics

About this Poll
Marketing Resource Group's Spring 2012 MRG Michigan Poll was conducted March 14 through March
19. The poll was conducted by live professionally trained telephone interviewers. The random sample,
consisting of 600 likely voters who indicated that they will be voting in the November general election,
has a margin of error of ±4 percentage points or less within a 95 percent degree of confidence.
The cluster sample was drawn from a list of voters likely to vote in the November general elections, which
is determined by their participation in previous statewide general elections. The individuals included in
that list and their voting histories are updated monthly. The poll sample is stratified by statewide voter
turnout and is geographically representative of general election voter turnout in Michigan. 20 percent of
the respondents are likely voters who live in cell phone-only households. Those respondents were
manually dialed, contacted and interviewed on their cell-phones and they indicated that they do not have
a land line telephone in their homes.

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