PredictionsMock2012 Presidential Election Polls - MI ResultsPolls
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Source: Survey USA (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DObamaDemocratic50%piePoll Date: 2011-10-14
RRomneyRepublican39%Number Polled: 500
-Other-0%Margin of Error: 5%
-Undecided-11%Voter Type: Registered

Obama leads all Republicans by double-digits

 By: Mark Warner 08 (I-AUT) on 2011-10-14 @ 14:15:42


Poll Demographics

In Michigan, Obama Leads Romney by 11 Points, Leads Paul by 18, Leads Cain, Perry, Bachmann, and Gingrich by More than 20 Points:

Michigan registered voters were asked about a number of high-profile Republican candidates running for president against Barack Obama. In elections for President in Michigan today 10/14/11, it's:

* Obama 50%, Mitt Romney 39%.
* Obama 52%, Ron Paul 34%.
* Obama 53%, Herman Cain 32%.
* Obama 53%, Rick Perry 32%.
* Obama 54%, Newt Gingrich 31%.
* Obama 56%, Michele Bachmann 30%.

About this Poll

Cell-Phone respondents included in this research: 545 Michigan adults were interviewed by SurveyUSA 10/12/11 through 10/14/11. Of them, 500 were registered to vote. This research was conducted multi-mode: respondents reachable on a home phone (69% of respondents) were interviewed on their home phone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. "Cell phone" respondents -- those not reachable on a home phone (31% of respondents) -- saw the questions displayed visually on their smartphone or other electronic device. Cell phone respondents occasionally, but not always, vote differently than do landline respondents. For example: Mitt Romney trails Obama by 5 points among landline respondents but by 25 points among cell-phone respondents. When the two groups are proportionally blended, Romney trails by 11. Newt Gingrich trails Obama by 13 points among landline respondents, but by 46 points among cell-phone respondents. When the two groups are proportionally blended, Gingrich trails by 23.

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