PredictionsMock2012 Presidential Election Polls - MI ResultsPolls
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Source: CNN/Time (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
DObamaDemocratic52%piePoll Date: 2012-09-18
RRomneyRepublican44%Number Polled: 754
-Other-2%Margin of Error: 4%
-Undecided-2%Voter Type: Likely

Obama leading by 8 in Michigan

 By: MilesC56 (I-VA) on 2012-09-19 @ 18:33:12

Suppose that the presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's candidates, and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as the Republican Party's candidates. Who would you be more likely to vote for -- ? (IF UNSURE:) As of today, who do you lean more toward? (RANDOM ORDER)
Obama- 52%
Romney- 44%
Neither- 2%
Other- 1%
No opinion- 1%

Now suppose that the presidential candidates on the ballot in your state included Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's candidate, Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate, Jill Stein as the Green party candidate, Virgil Goode, as the U.S. Taxpayers party candidate, and Ross C. Anderson as the Natural Law party candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for -- (RANDOM ORDER)

About this Poll
In Michigan, a total of 1,023 adults were interviewed by telephone. All respondents were asked questions concerning basic demographics, and the entire sample was weighted to reflect statewide Census figures for gender, race, age, education and region of the state. Registered voters were asked questions about their likelihood of voting, past voting behavior, and interest in the campaign; based on the answers to those questions, 754 respondents were classified as likely voters. Among those likely voters, 38% described themselves as Democrats, 30% described themselves as Independents, and 32% described themselves as Republicans. Michigan does not have party registration.

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