PredictionsMock2008 Presidential Dem Primary - IA ResultsPolls
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Source: Selzer & Co (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
Poll Date: 2007-11-28
Number Polled: 500
Margin of Error: 4%
Voter Type: Likely

IA poll: Obama 28, Clinton 25, Edwards 23

 By: Mr. Morden (I-AUS) - 2007-12-02 @ 00:16:52

Which one of the following Democratic candidates would be your first choice for president? (Among those who don’t volunteer a first choice) Toward which candidate would you say you are leaning, or would say you support the most? And who would your second choice be? And, which two or three would be the worst choices — or would disappoint you the most if they were to eventually win the nomination?

Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton. Christopher Dodd. John Edwards. Mike Gravel. Dennis Kucinich. Barack Obama. Bill Richardson.

Obama: 28%
Clinton: 25%
Edwards: 23%
Richardson: 9%
Biden: 6%
Dodd: 1%
Kucinich: 1%
Gravel: 0%
Unsure: 7%

About this Poll
The Iowa Poll, conducted for The Des Moines Register by Selzer & Co. Inc. of Des Moines, is based on interviews with 500 registered Iowa voters who say they definitely or probably will attend the Democratic caucuses and 500 registered voters who say they definitely or probably will attend the Republican caucuses.

Interviewers contacted randomly selected voters registered as Democrat, Republican or no-party by using randomly selected telephone numbers from the Iowa secretary of state’s voter registration list.

Percentages based on the full sample may have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

The poll was conducted Nov. 25-28.

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