PredictionsMock2008 Presidential Dem Primary - FL ResultsPolls
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Source: Survey USA (url)

CandidatePolitical PartyPollGraphPoll Details
Poll Date: 2008-01-24
Number Polled: 522
Margin of Error: 4%
Voter Type: Likely

Clinton Maintains a 17% Lead in FL

 By: Inks.LWC (R-MI) - 2008-01-28 @ 12:59:11

If the Democratic Primary for President of the United States were today, would you vote for...(names rotated) Hillary Clinton? John Edwards? Barack Obama? Or some other Democrat?

47% Clinton
12% Edwards
30% Obama
4% Other
7% Not Sure

Poll Demographics

About this Poll
Filtering / Caveats: 2,100 state of Florida adults were interviewed 01/23/08 and 01/24/08. All interviews completed after 01/21/08 Democratic candidate debate in which Clinton and Obama sparred ferociously. Interviews conducted during fierce battle among Democrats in South Carolina, whose primary is this Saturday 01/26/08. Results of the South Carolina primary may well buffet what happens in Florida, even though Democratic candidates have agreed not to campaign in Florida. Because, at present at least, no delegates won in Florida will be seated at the Democratic National Convention, because no candidate has campaigned in Florida, and because the Primary is largely symbolic, it is unclear who will actually turn-out. Further complicating the polling challenge, there is a constitutional amendment on the ballot on Tuesday which would change Florida's property tax laws. All registered voters, including unaffiliated voters, may vote on the ballot measure, though only registered Democrats may vote in the "closed" Primary. Of the 1,795 registered voters surveyed, 522 were determined by SurveyUSA to have already voted in the Democratic Primary, or to be certain to vote on or before Tuesday. Of those who have already voted, Clinton leads by 24.

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